use of intel mkl blas with intel compiler on x86_64 opteron

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Posted by Garold Murdachaew on October 20, 2006 at 19:07:17:

Dear molcas experts,

We have successfully installed 64bit molcas (serial) on an x86_64 opteron using the intel 8.1 em64t compiler and 64bit system blas. Now I am trying to replace these blas with the intel mkl72 em64t blas with the expectation of dramatic performance improvements. As recommended in the molcas manual, I started with a clean source and prior to configuration uninstalled the molcas bals and did "export XLIB=' -L/opt/intel/mkl72/lib/em64t -lmkl_em64t ' " followed by "configure -compiler intel_64", which was trouble-free, as was the majority of the compilation. However, compilation failed at the linking stage where the link command was:

/home/local/bin64/ifort -o ../../bin/seward.exe -Vaxlib main.o -L../../lib -lseward -L../../lib -lmolcas -L../../g/lib/LINUX64 -lma -L/opt/intel/mkl72/lib/em64t -lmkl_em64t

There were multiple errors of the form:

../../lib/libseward.a(naint_giao.o)(.text+0xa7c): In function `naint_giao_':
: undefined reference to `dgetmo_'

Is this some sort of underscore problem? What can I do to resolve it?

Thank you for your assistance.


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